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String Instruments

Have you ever want to learn more about the magic of a string instrument?

The magic that music creates is truly amazing, and the string family had given me a lot of joy in my serveral years of playing violin.


Did you know....

Violins come in 7 different standard sizes

It's not uncommon for the interest of musical instruments to start as a young child so there are different sizes as the player gets older

String Instrumets are very resistant to temparture changes...but we can't say the same thing about humitity

The wood that string instruments always contains some liquid and so when there is more water (humitity) in the air the instrumets and absorbe some of that making it shrink or swell

The bass is the only string instrument not in the violin family

The string family was originally only made up of different forms of violins with different sizes and pitchs. The violin, viola, and violincello, at some point in time the bass comes along and doesn't fit the guidelines of makes it part of the strings family because of its shape and it is tuned in fourths instead of fifths like the violin family